
Doug Minkler: Justice Posters

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  • Aliens

    Retire the U.S. Border Patrol and open the borders.

    Aliens come to the U.S. in search of intelligent life ....

    Still looking.

  • Artburn

    Artburn — Artist's indigestion: caused by an overindulgence in aesthetics and a belief in the myth of "neutral or non-political art." Relief comes from an acknowledgement of the political function of art coupled with a balance of aesthetics and usefulness in the development of a healthy democratic society.

  • Atmos-fear

    This poster was created to alert the public about a new women's sensory deprivation center or prison set up by the U.S. Federal Government. We were successful in shutting it down.

  • Bankers Trust

    Citibank, Chase Manhattan, and Bank of America are all guilty of home wrecking, red lining and theft.

    Bankers Trust
  • Chef Djamel

    Cleared for release, prisoners like Djamal are still stuck in the US's premiere sensory deprivation torture center. Regardless of Berkeley's willingness to invite him to live in Berkeley he cannot be released. Along with the damage done to these men comes the damage done to US citizens who pay in many ways for the new world image of Amerikkka.

    Chef Djamel
  • Civil Rights — Proposition 209

    Proposition 209, deceptively called the California Civil Rights Initiative, was a Ballot Initiative that successfully repealed Affirmative Action. It rolled back 30 years of hard-fought gains won by women and people of color.

    Civil Rights — Prop 209
  • Corporation

    "An ingenious device for obtaining individual wealth without individual responsibility."

    — Ambrose Bierce.

  • Degrees of Advancing

    Poster done in support of Peoples Park activists being sued or SLAPP suited by the University of California for exercising their free speech. It calls attention to U.C.'s greedy Tuition gouging and degree mill.

    Degrees of Advancing
  • Duty To Act

    "Those that have the privilege to know, have the duty to act."

    — Albert Einstein

    Duty To Act
  • Ethnic Cleansing

    Using fear of Violent criminals as a justification, the massive prison industrial complex insured themselves continued profits and jobs by tricking the public into voting for the three strikes law in California. This law does not discriminate between bad check writers and rapists.

    Ethnic Cleansing
  • Execution 2000

    The Death Penalty discriminates against the poor and people of color. DNA evidence now proves that the innocent have been executed.

    Execution 2000
  • Guantanamo Bay

    Why Do They Hate Us?

    Guantanamo Bay represents the worst aspects of the decaying US Imperialist system — war, land theft, loss of the right to a trial, torture, and rendition. The prison violates the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war and ignores the World Court and UN.

    Guantanamo Bay
  • Rabid Homophobes

    California ballot initiative Proposition 22 dictates a homophobic definition of marriage.

    This hate law attacks everyone's civil rights.

    Rabid Homophobes
  • Hottest Places in Hell

    "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crises, maintain their neutrality."

    — Dante (1265-1321)

    Hottest Places in Hell
  • In What Country?

    As we rapidly move towards fascism, It is important to remind the younger and less aware friends that George Bush Sr. was the head of the CIA (the U.S. version of the Secret Police), and now we have an even scarier Jr. as president.

    In What Country?
  • Intelligence

    "Intelligence, guided by kindness, is the highest wisdom. . . ."

    — Robert Ingersol 1833-1899

  • Isolate Apartheid Regime Profiteers

    "Foreign investments support the present economic system of injustice. We Blacks are perfectly willing to suffer the consequences of corporate withdrawal. We are quite used to suffering."

    — Steve Biko (1946-1977), murdered by South Africa police.

    Isolate Apartheid Regime Profiteers
  • Justice Trumps Bad Law

    Jury Nullification: A jury may reach a verdict of "not guilty" even if the defendant has broken the law, if the jury concludes that the law was unjust. Ironically, if you inform the judge of your willingness to exercise this constitutional right, you will not be allowed to sit on a jury.

    Justice Trumps Bad Law
  • Justice Trumps Bad Law

    Jury Nullification: A jury may reach a verdict of "not guilty" even if the defendant has broken the law, if the jury concludes that the law was unjust. Ironically, if you inform the judge of your willingness to exercise this constitutional right, you will not be allowed to sit on a jury. [This is an extended version]

    Justice Trumps Bad Law, v.2
  • Little Money, Little Law

    Created for a Lawyers Guild fund raising event. Even though this poster was aimed at the Law industry in general, it touched a nerve in some guild members, so much so that a number of them told me this wasn't true.

    Little Money, Little Law
  • Mayakovski: Art is A Hammer

    "Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it."

    — Mayakovski

    Mayakovski: Art is A Hammer
  • Navigating the Criminal Justice Maze

    The goal here is to assist communities in holding the major players accountable to answer to those they were intended to serve. This includes demanding accountability from our public defenders, district attorneys, judges, probation officers, police, etc.

    Navigating the Criminal Justice Maze
  • Oscar López Rivera

    López Rivera now 72 years old was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the charge of “seditious conspiracy,” of which he has served 33. The majority of the political prisoners he was tried with were pardoned in 1999 by then President Clinton, but López Rivera declined the offer because at that moment Carlos Alberto Torres and Haydée Beltrán continued as prisoners, but were subsequently freed. Help get Oscar out.

    Get the spanish version.

    Oscar Lopez Rivera
  • Prison Dragon Poem

    The Asian dragon symbolizes many positive attributes including unity. It's a popular icon in and out of prisons, and throughout the world. This poster was placed in prisons, prison rights offices and shown in communities around the country. It is my hope that the un-incarcerated will read Ho Chi Minh's poem, written from prison, and help the many locked unnecessarily in cages.

    Prison Dragon Poem
  • Privacy is Unpatriotic

    This was created for a good old fashion 4th of July celebration in El Cerrito, California. I believe that the appropriate response to the government's attempt to chill our free speech is more free speech. Courage is contagious. Thank You Chelsey Manning and Edward Snowden.

    Privacy is Unpatriotic
  • Report Police Crimes

    A poster to increase public awareness of the police's criminal behavior and a call for increased grassroots action to report it.

    Report Police Crimes
  • Self-Censorship

    The 9/11 Uniformity of Opinions Act restricts our Constitutional rights under the guise of "homeland security." This Act allows the government unrestricted access to private records, wiretaps, and indefinite incarceration without charges or legal counsel.

  • Stand Against Sit/Lie

    San Francisco launched an attack on the unsheltered community as well as the entire city when they attempted to outlaw human postures on pubic spaces. This poster shows numerous tools that cities use to criminalize people without shelter.

    Stand Against Sit/Lie
  • Tasers — The Big Lie

    Tasers do not save lives nor are they used as a substitute for firearms. They are used almost entirely on the unarmed, mentally ill and individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Tasers — The Big Lie
  • Tenants Day

    Commissioned by the Berkeley Tenants Union in 1981 when the city of Berkeley had rent control with teeth.

    Tenants Day
  • To Those Who...

    "To those who in the face of the approaching bomber squadrons of Capital, go on asking too long, How we propose to do this, and how we envisage that, And what will become of their savings and Sunday trousers after the revolution. We have nothing much to say."

    — Bertolt Brecht

    To Those Who...

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